An immersive bike tour to highlighting local art, architecture, food and drinks with local knowledgeable guides.

Find out why this is the most Instagrammed spot in OKC!

Notable architecture stop where the Olympians train.

An immersive bike tour to highlighting local art, architecture, food and drinks with local knowledgeable guides.
Looking for ways to improve collaboration, build trust, and energize your group to be more creative? Join Ride OKC for a memorable Team Building experience. We offer many unique approaches on and off the bike, all geared toward helping your team work together more effectively. From exciting guided bicycle tours through downtown Oklahoma City, to scavenger hunts, and motivational sessions with local business owners behind some of the best breweries and restaurants in town. Ride OKC Team Building will have your group thinking and working together in a whole new way. Team Building experiences start at $25 per person and can last as short as 90 minutes.
Want to simply rent a bunch of bikes to explore the community on your own? We’ll deliver to your corporate office or a location of your choice. All rentals include a helmet and free roadside assistance. Ready to bring your team to Ride OKC? Fill out the form below, email us, or learn more at our FAQ page.